Our Top 10 Most-Popular Practice Management Articles of 2023

As is our custom, we conclude the year by reflecting on the 10 most-read practice management articles over the past 12 months. Tomorrow, we will highlight the 10 best articles you probably missed.

In decreasing order, based on the number of unique readers, those are:

  1. Five Ways to Respond When Someone Ignores Your Emails

by Sara Grillo, 1/12/22

A 2020 study concluded that 65% of emails are ignored – and I wouldn’t doubt it’s far from the truth (Ozdoruk, 2020). Try these five techniques if you’re getting crickets after you push “send.”

  1. The 10 Most Important Things I Tell Clients

by Allan Roth, 1/30/23

Over the past couple of decades, I’ve told clients many very important things. Most of them are timeless, which is why I find myself saying the same things repeatedly. Here are the top 10, and I’ve saved my most important for last.

  1. How to Get Clients to Spend More Money

by Allan Roth, 3/13/23

Here is some research on why our clients built a sizable portfolio while others had high income but little savings. I’ll address specifics on how to get savers to enjoy their money.

  1. The Five Biggest Wastes of Money

by Sara Grillo, 8/9/23

If you are paying for any of the following garbage, get the scissors and snip it out of your budget.