Public Pensions Should Be Safe, Not Levered Up

America’s public pension funds have gotten themselves into a bind. They’re responsible for paying trillions of dollars in future retirement benefits to teachers, firefighters, police, and other state and local employees, but their assets fall far short of what’s needed to fulfill those promises.

Increasingly, they’re turning to an age-old tactic to close the gap: using borrowed money, or leverage, to boost returns. It’s a troubling trend that regulators should watch carefully.

Leverage is a powerful and dangerous tool. Although it can expand investment, it also increases the risk of collapse and contagion, by allowing investors to lose more money than they have. It should be used by those who can handle the downside — not by those entrusted with retirement savings. As things stand, these funds are putting taxpayers and public servants at needless risk.

State and local governments’ obligations to future retirees amount to nearly $9 trillion. In principle, they could meet this obligation quite simply, by investing $9 trillion in safe bonds that mature when the debts come due. In practice, that’s not what they do. Instead, they figure that, given their long time horizon, they can start with less today and make up the difference by investing in riskier, higher-yielding assets. Pension funds have, for example, ramped up allocations to illiquid investments such as private equity, which locks up money for years in return for potentially big gains.

Betting on Redemption

The strategy isn’t working out very well. Returns often haven’t matched ambitious targets, and private equity firms have lately struggled to sell investments, keeping money tied up for longer than expected. As a result, pension funds are facing cash strains and — despite the strong stock-market gains of recent years — remain more than $3 trillion (or 36%) short of what they owe.

Not Catching Up