Pro Athletes Want to Sell You a Stake In Their Earnings. Hard Pass.

Are you bored with the cash, stocks and bonds in your retirement portfolio? Then perhaps it’s time to spice things up with shares in an NFL outside linebacker.

Recently, Baron Browning of the Denver Broncos offered investors a slice of 1% of his future earnings. Those interested can buy into his IPO for $10 per share on Vestible, a new platform for investing in athlete incomes.

Fans may see a tantalizing opportunity, but investors should stay on the sidelines. Athletes, for all of their virtues, are an unusually risky investment best left to the clubs and teams that know and employ them.

Sports and speculation have always gone together. For centuries, gamblers have used the best information available to them. Likewise, professional scouts use data and their gut to predict the long-term trajectory of talented athletes.

Occasionally, they get it right. In 2000, for example, 30 teams passed on Tom Brady before the New England Patriots picked him in the sixth round of the NFL draft. For the Patriots and their emotionally invested fans, he represents perhaps the greatest value in the history of the NFL draft. The returns — Super Bowl after Super Bowl — speak for themselves.