The Petrodollar Is Dead, Long Live the Petrodollar

The petrodollar died this month -- or so I learnt via the financial blogosphere. In the past fortnight, Google searches for “petrodollar” have spiked to a record, and viral posts about Saudi Arabia ditching the greenback have ricocheted throughout commodity and currency trading rooms. Apparently, a cataclysmic event has ended American economic hegemony.

Epochal stuff — and completely false. Nonsense on stilts.

did you sy petrodollar

For a few days, I resisted the temptation to rebut the chatter. It was pushed by a combination of crypto speculators, gold bugs, conspiracy theorists and, above all, lots of Russian bots on social media. Against them, you can’t win an argument. To whoever asked me, I pointed to a 2023 column where I wrote that the collapse of the petrodollar — and the rise of the petroyuan — was a myth. Oil, I argued, would remain priced in greenbacks.