The Fear of Losing Clients – Your Value Being Questioned

ari galper

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The thought of a client withdrawing their funds can trigger a deep sense of fear.

If and when it happens, you most likely would have a feeling of betrayal – “Don’t they recognize my value?”

How could they do this to you, given your knowledge, experience, and the sheer amount of value you’ve delivered consistently as their advisor? You can complain and defend yourself all you want, but it’s no use, as your value-status has been put into question.

How does this happen? Why do some advisors end up in such a deleveraged position in some of their business relationships?

It’s often because they focus on the wrong areas of their business, like getting more leads, getting the latest management tools, or building out complex lead systems for delivering their knowledge – all of which add complexity to selling but don’t increase actual sales.

Consequently, they lack confidence in their ability to replace a client who walks away. A lack of confidence in attracting and converting new clients leads to a fear of losing your existing clients. This leads to over-delivering on value (also known as “free consulting”) which leads to a commoditized and weakened position. Eventually, you give all the value you can give, you’re tapped out, and there’s nowhere else to go.