Charting a Collective Path Forward on Retirement Income

Diverse stakeholders shared perspectives at AB’s Advancing Retirement Income symposium.

As the wave of DC plan participants seeking retirement income security continues to grow, plan sponsors face pressing questions on the best way to approach guaranteed lifetime income. Tackling the key issues was the objective at AB’s recent retirement income symposium, Advancing Retirement Income: Applying Lessons Learned to Shape the Future, at the firm’s headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee.

The stakes are growing greater for funding retirement years, as the “longevity economy” makes it critical to help people financially prepare for longer lifespans. Three of the World Economic Forum’s six longevity economy principles relate to financial needs, including the need to “ensure financial resilience across key life events.” That’s a sizable challenge, given that by 2050, more than 2.1 billion people will be over 60 years of age.

Amid what we see as an ideal convergence of forces—from participants’ income worries to a growing field of solutions and increased understanding of the organizational benefits of retirement income security—a diverse range of attendees recently convened to dive into the critical issues and chart a path forward. Guests included senior executives from DC plan sponsors, consultants who advise plans, AB’s retirement thought leaders, industry experts and organizations.

Here, we share key takeaways from the event.