Are you bored with the cash, stocks and bonds in your retirement portfolio? Then perhaps it’s time to spice things up with shares in an NFL outside linebacker.
It’s a familiar story: a once-dominant US industry is challenged by low-cost competitors overseas and gradually loses market share. This time, however, the pressured industry isn’t a manufacturer. It’s the American farm.
In rural America, the shoulder-high corn is increasingly competing with a new cash crop: solar power.
This week, two space startups announced an audacious plan to send a lander to Mars in late 2024. The technical hurdles are high. But even if the mission fails, it will create something important and lasting: a space race between private companies, not nation-states.
For American consumers wondering who's profiting from the run-up in food prices, it’s instructive to spend a few hours at Rob Tate’s Minnesota farm. Because he wants everyone to know that it sure isn’t him.
In March, a Chinese military satellite appeared to spontaneously disintegrate in orbit, leaving a trail of debris high above the Earth.