Search Results
Results 351–400
of 434 found.
Important New Research Talking to Seniors About Risk and Market Volatility
by Dan Richards,
New research shows how to talk to seniors about their investments. Titled "Behavioral finance and the post-retirement crisis" and released in May, this report compiles findings on how older investors perceive risk and make financial decisions. Dan Richards discusses the findings.
Robert Shiller: A Cautious Outlook for Stocks (Video)
by Dan Richards,
Dan Richards recently spoke with Robert Shiller, the Yale economist who foresaw the financial crisis and created the Case-Shiller housing index. Shiller discusses the potential for a double-dip recession, valuations in the US equity market, and the outlook for a housing recovery. This is the video of the interview.
Jeremy Siegel on Why Stocks are Undervalued (Video)
by Dan Richards,
The Wharton School's Jeremy Siegel remains an outspoken proponent of stocks for the long run, as he demonstrates in this interview with Dan Richards. Siegel explains why equity investors should not be deterred by sour economic forecasts or by signals of apparent overvaluation based on Shiller P/E ratios. This is the video of our interview.
Jeremy Siegel on Why Stocks are Undervalued
by Dan Richards,
The Wharton School's Jeremy Siegel remains an outspoken proponent of stocks for the long run, as he demonstrates in this interview with Dan Richards. In the transcript of this interview, Siegel explains why equity investors should not be deterred by sour economic forecasts or by signals of apparent overvaluation based on Shiller P/E ratios.
The Retirement Readiness Checklist
by Dan Richards,
Dan Richards describes a recent research report which offered a retirement readiness index. Attached to the report was a questionnaire that advisors can walk clients through to benchmark where they stand on each task and identify areas that need improvement.
Template for a Mid-Year Letter ? Navigating through this Calamitous Decade
by Dan Richards,
It's always important for clients to feel they're being kept informed of what's happening in markets - but never more so than in markets like we've seen in the past few months. Dan Richards provides a template for a mid-year market commentary to clients, adaptable to your own opinions and circumstances, based on a recently rediscovered speech by Benjamin Graham.
Five Minutes to Drive Your Day
by Dan Richards,
For most successful advisors, the number one issue each day is how to compress 40 or 50 hours of work into 8 or 10 hours. Dan Richards doesn't suggest that advisors add items to their daily to-do list lightly, but he does offer one novel idea from a top-performing advisor.
Getting Clients to Read Your Emails
by Dan Richards,
Today, we're seeing a sea change in how clients and prospects respond to information. Everyone is swamped by the sheer volume of email and communication. Dan Richards offers suggestions for how to get your emails read and your voice mail returned.
Niall Ferguson on Japan, China, and the US
by Dan Richards,
Harvard's Niall Ferguson is arguably today's leading economic historian. In part two of this interview, Ferguson explains why he fears the future is bleak for Japan, why China may someday be the leading global superpower, and what all this means for the US. We provide a video and a transcript.
Three Words to Blow Away Clients
by Dan Richards,
Every advisor's goal is to build deep relationships with key clients, partly to foster loyalty and increase the assets you have from them, partly to open the door to referrals. One way to do that is to have clients "wowed" by their experience in dealing with you, and Dan Richards says three key words will create that "wow" effect with important clients.
Dan Fuss: What Keeps Bond Managers Up at Night
by Dan Richards,
Highly respected fixed-income manager Dan Fuss of Loomis Sayles recently spoke with Dan Richards about what keeps bond managers up at night. Fuss identifies the critical issues bond investors face. We provide a video and a transcript of the interview.
The Essential Quality that Sets Top Performers Apart
by Dan Richards,
Ask industry veterans about what really sets top producers apart and you'll get lots of suggestions, says Dan Richards. Intellect, discipline, work ethic, people skills and focus would all be put forward - and a case can be made for the importance of all of these. There is one attribute, however, that every true top performer has in large quantity.
The Prospecting Approach that Works Today
by Dan Richards,
The problem with viewing a prospect conversation as an event is that you have to ask for a firm commitment at the end of any interaction - whether it is a request to meet when talking on the phone or asking for a decision to invest when meeting face-to-face, according to Dan Richards. All too often, that request will be premature - and if it's too soon in the process, the prospect feels under the gun. Richards offers a solution.
The Number One Way to Stay Motivated Breakthrough Research from the Harvard Business Review
by Dan Richards,
In a multi-year study, researchers at the Harvard Business School asked 600 managers from dozens of different companies to rank the impact of five factors that are normally associated with motivation - recognition, incentives, support from managers and colleagues, clear goals and a sense of making progress. Dan Richards discusses their findings and the takeaways for financial advisors.
Talking to Clients about Expected Returns
by Dan Richards,
Of all the assumptions that go into clients' retirement plans, none has a bigger impact than the expected return on their investments, says Dan Richards. That number determines how much investors need to save, when they can afford to retire and the kind of lifestyle they can anticipate. Richards provides a context for discussing expected returns with clients.
Four Words of Advice from a Top Advisor
by Dan Richards,
Last summer, Dan Richards talked to a thirty-year veteran of the business who's consistently ranked as a top advisor. The week before, he'd talked to a group of rookies just entering the business. In the question and answer period, he was been asked about the single most important thing he learned over the course of his career.
Investing Insights from Doctors
by Dan Richards,
Dan Richards works out in the early mornings with a psychiatrist, who recently forwarded an article in the New York Review of Books by Jerome Groopman, a physician and frequent writer on the challenges of modern day medicine. As Dan read it, he was struck by the parallels between the things that cause doctors and investors to go wrong.
James Heckman on the Drivers of Human Success
by Dan Richards,
"What we have come to learn from modern genetics, which has huge social implications, is that it's neither nature nor nurture. It's both combined," says James Heckman in this interview with Dan Richards. Heckman, who won the Nobel Prizein Economics in 2000, discusses the key drivers of success in human development.
Today?s Number One Way to Demonstrate Your Value
by Dan Richards,
Advisors provide the greatest value by being an emotional anchor for clients- keeping the highs from being too high during times of untrammeled optimism, such as we saw in 2000, and the lows from being too low during periods of absolute pessimism, such as we saw a year ago and in many cases still see today. Playing that role takes more than just having an opinion - you need credible evidence to back you up, which Dan Richards offers.
A Q1 Letter to Send Clients
by Dan Richards,
Dan Richards provides the latest in his very popular series of quarterly letters for advisors to send to their clients. This Q1 2010 article combines the attributes he considers essential: a balanced outlook, candor, short enough for clients to get through yet long enough to be substantial, fact-based, and customizable to your own voice.
Emerging Markets: High Growth does not mean High Returns
by Dan Richards,
Recent research explores the return payoff of investing in emerging markets such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, writes Dan Richards. Contrary to popular beliefs, investing in high-growth emerging markets has produced inferior returns to those obtained from slower growth economies.
Surprising New Research on Diversification from Emerging Markets
by Dan Richards,
Historically there have been two reasons to invest in emerging markets: the promise of higher returns that come with faster growing economies, albeit with greater volatility, and the prospect that emerging markets will offer diversification from the performance of stocks in developed economies. Dan Richards reports that new research into the impact of global diversification, though, has produced some surprising results.
Hard Lessons from a Lost Account
by Dan Richards,
A couple of weeks ago Dan Richards talked to an investor who had recently switched advisors - and who provided an example of the stress that investors experience when they're not sure whether their advisor is really on top of their financial affairs. "What I look for are people who are proactive and are always thinking about my situation so that I don't have to," an investor told Richards. "That's what I look for in my accountant, that's what I look for in my lawyer - and that's what I look for in my financial advisor."
Paul Romer: What Drives Economic Growth?
by Dan Richards,
Paul Romer is a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, and the focus of his research is the drivers of economic growth. In this interview with Dan Richards, Romer identifies what sets apart fast growing countries, and which policies best stimulate economic growth. We provide a transcript and a link to a video of the interview.
How a Small Change Made a Big Difference
by Dan Richards,
Dan Richards says that when advisors think about ways to drive their business forward, they often look for dramatic initiatives that hit the ball out of the park. Sometimes, though, it is a seemingly mundane change to your routine that delivers the biggest successes. We also have a link to a webcast of this article.
Nine Essential Lessons from Olympians
by Dan Richards,
For the past two weeks, the world's eyes were on the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, focusing on those athletes who excelled, pulling away from the pack with multiple medals. Watching the Olympics, however, isn't just about athletes achieving their goals. As Dan Richards writes, financial advisors looking for guidance on hitting their own goals can take away nine important lessons.
Robert Pozen on the Financial Crisis, Social Security, and the Mutual Fund Industry
by Dan Richards,
Robert Pozen is the chairman of MFS Investment Management and a senior lecturer at the Harvard Business School. In this interview with Dan Richards, he discusses the financial crisis, Social Security, and the mutual fund Industry. We provide a transcript and a video replay of the interview.
Rethinking the Fundamentals of Client Communication
by Dan Richards,
Dan Richards says advisors need to fundamentally rethink both the information they communicate and - just as importantly - how they communicate. Changing these two key dimensions of your communication strategy - what you send clients and how you send it - will be critical to future success.
Robert Shiller on Trills, Housing and Market Valuations
by Dan Richards,
Robert Shiller, a professor of economics at Yale University and co-creator of the Case-Shiller Housing Index, discusses several topics in this interview with Dan Richards, including his plan for governments to finance their debts by issuing "trills," a security representing a fractional claim on the country's GDP.
Seven Steps to Making 2010 a Breakthrough Year for your Business
by Dan Richards,
Dan Richards says many advisors started the year full of enthusiasm and ambitious objectives, yet at the end of January felt bogged down and out of steam. Despite starting with good intentions, the difficulty is that we quickly get caught up in the day-to-day demands on our time, and Richards offers a seven-step plan to overcome this inertia.
The China Conundrum
by Dan Richards,
Few issues divide investors today more than the investment merits of China, despite that country's tremendous potential. China's strong economic performance through the global financial crisis has reinforced this divide. Dan Richards looks at the cases for and against investment in China, and offers his own opinion.
Overconfidence and Excessive Trading Harm Investor Returns
by Dan Richards,
The question Terrance Odean asks is if someone sells a stock and then buys another stock, on average does the stock they bought outperform the one they sold by enough to cover their trading costs? Odean, a professor at Berkeley, has researched this question and the role of excessive trading and overconfidence in investor decisions.
Martijn Cremers on Active Management
by Dan Richards,
Martjin Cremers is an associate professor of finance at the Yale School of Management. He and his Yale colleague Antti Petajisto have conducted research that focuses on "active share" in mutual fund management. In this interview, Cremers discusses the implications of his research.
Robert Merton on Regulating Derivatives
by Dan Richards,
Robert Merton is a professor of finance at the Harvard Business School and the 1997 winner of the Nobel Prize in economics for his work on pricing models for options and derivatives. In this interview with Dan Richards, Merton explains the role of derivatives in creating the financial crisis, and what steps regulators should take to address them.
Punctuated Equilibrium
by Dan Richards,
Dan Richards says we're dealing with a more fundamental issue than the recent market turmoil. "We're going through one of those rare periods of ground-shaking change that have taken place throughout history, something that was in the works well before last fall's market excitement," he says, and explains how advisors should deal with more demanding customers, new technology and global competition.
Ten Tips to be More Likeable
by Dan Richards,
When Dan Richards ask advisors about what it takes to attract and retain clients, they give him answers like above average returns, preserving capital in tough markets and strong communication. Those are all true - to these can be added delivering strong value and having clients trust your competence and integrity. One other factor is often overlooked, however - and that's likeability.
John Cochrane on the Dangers of Current Economic Policies
by Dan Richards,
John Cochrane is a professor of finance at the University of Chicago and the incoming president of the American Finance Association. Cochrane is also author of the widely-circulated article, How did Paul Krugman get it so Wrong?. In this interview, Cochrane identifies the shortcomings and dangers of current economic policies.
Competing for Referrals
by Dan Richards,
In past articles, Dan Richards has discussed how to get prospects off-the-fence when they are thinking about leaving their advisor - by providing concrete proof as to why they would be better off with us than where they are now. Now, Dan provides a strategy to use when you are competing with other advisors for referral business.
Olivier Blanchard on Global Stability
by Dan Richards,
Olivier Blanchard is the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, a position he has held since September 1, 2008. In Dan Richards' interview, Blanchard discusses the steps being taken to revive the global economy and what he believes is in store for beleaguered debtor nations - particularly Greece.
Paul Krugman on Deficits, Taxes, Inflation, and Recovery
by Dan Richards,
Dan Richards' interview with Paul Krugman, the 2008 Nobel prize winner in Economics, covers his views on the size of the next stimulus package, how high marginal tax rates should go, and lessons from the Japanese experience. Whether or not you agree with him, Krugman is highly influential and his views may presage future policy decisions.
The Best Way to Thank Clients for Referrals
by Dan Richards,
What's the best way to say thank you when you get a new client as a result of a referral from someone with whom you already work? Dan Richards says sending the typical thank you gift is a mistake, and offers some advice for gifts that will make a lasting impact.
Six Words that Open the Door to Accountant Referrals
by Dan Richards,
Put together a list of the things that frustrate advisors targeting high-end clients and roadblocks to referrals from accountants are sure to be close to the top. Successful advisors recognize the power of a recommendation from a HNW prospect's most trusted advisor, and Dan Richards reveals the six words that facilitate those referrals.
A Template for a Year-end Letter
by Dan Richards,
Many advisors have told Dan Richards they receive a positive response from the quarterly review letters they've sent over the past year based on the templates he has provided. Here's a template that can be a starting point for a year-end review letter.
Results 351–400
of 434 found.