Fintech can be a good way to combine the value opportunities of a technology stock with the stability often offered by financial institutions. Here’s what you need to know.
Artificial intelligence tools have demonstrated the capability to shake up nearly any industry. That includes financial advising.
Whether you are a potential borrower or just trying to understand the modern economy, student loans are essential to understand.
For millions of borrowers, student loan forgiveness will mean the difference between significant relief and ongoing payments. If you’re among them, the question is… what next?
Many investors believe that gold is a safe long-term investment that can be used to hedge against risk. But should you include this precious metal in your retirement portfolio?
Silver is more volatile, cheaper and more tightly linked with the industrial economy. Gold is more expensive and better for diversifying your portfolio overall.
Like all trusts, a charitable trust is a legal entity that you create for the purpose of holding and managing assets. The trust is wholly separate from you. It owns any assets it holds, pays taxes and requires management just like any other legally recognized entity.
Depending on where they live, student borrowers may soon face an unexpected tax burden.