If you select appropriate colors that are most appealing to your target market, you’ll have an influential edge over your uninformed competitors.
You can’t sell the negative. Clients will vent negatives, but won’t buy them. You need to turn negatives into positives. Redirect Moving Away comments into Moving Toward Goals.
It does you no good to meet with a prospect or client who doesn’t feel comfortable enough to be candid about what they want. Give them options, help them discover their goals, ask deeper questions and “prime the pump.”
Your clients have their own sub language. The more you use their words, the more trust and rapport you will have.
Once you gain someone's trust, they will accept almost anything you recommend. But trust is tough to earn and rarely given quickly.
From this research, advisors can discern ethical, non-manipulative ways to create more persuasive messages.
Have you ever wondered why your closing ratio on seminar attendees rarely exceeds 40%?
How good are you at motivating your staff? Are they growing and learning? Are they consistently progressing?
Here are four steps to train your staff to learn and retain new skills.
Why can’t your staff just do their job on their own without you having to look over their shoulder?
There are very few superstars who didn’t protect and manage their time well. But there are many others who live with disorganization every day and wonder why they can’t hit their goals.
Here is a structure for the first meeting to make prospects feel understood.
You will lose clients and fail to gain new ones unless you make dramatic changes right now.
Here are three signals people use to let you know when they are feeling pushed.
Here are three more subtle cues that a prospect likes the solution you are presenting.
Here are some of the cues that indicate a prospect has accepted what you have presented and want you to move on to the next step.
Are you just an educator or can you motivate prospects to implement your ideas?
Exit interviews don’t often yield enough information to answer why your people leave.
A stall – having a client tell you they need to “think about it” – is your worst nightmare when trying to close business. Here are two ways to avoid that catastrophe.
This means your chances of finding a good candidate are worse than at any time in the last 40 years. If you hire wrong, it will set you back months. You need someone good now.
Have you struggled to get calls returned?
It never occurs to advisors that client events should be marketing machines. To build your business with 25 referrals per month and increased sales, read on.
Here are some rules and skills that are unique to the virtual sales platform. Growing your skills in these areas will make your practice very profitable in the coming years.
There are five steps to every message you present. This sequence will help you in constructing any presentation for any group. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you are speaking to a college class, a peer group, or to seniors for a seminar on Social Security.
You don’t need the advanced training of an FBI field agent to spot the truth. There is a better way.
Virtually all advisors have the technical competence to construct a plan that will help a prospect. But most make a key mistake when they try to explain that plan, and it almost always causes them to lose the business.
Your chance of closing business with an existing client is 72%. Most of the income you make from any one client will be ensuing sales, not from the initial solution.
Contact your clients and prospects at a rate you have rarely done before. But you must use the right script.
Here are a few steps to separate a potential client from an existing advisor.
You are likely really good at probing for numbers. But you probably aren’t probing for what a prospect wants out of the relationship.
There is a better way to get your prospects and clients to implement your suggestions and stop stalling.
If someone says, “Let me think about it,” you are left in limbo – no question that you can answer, no concerns to overcome, just limbo. The answer is what I call the “up-front close”. The essence is a phrase that will stop you from wasting your time.
High-net worth prospective clients don’t have the time to meet with an advisor based only on an introduction from someone they know. You have to give them a reason to meet. The referral is only an entry. Here are five steps and a script that work nearly every time.
Do you use seminars to get new prospects? Are you booking less than 85% of attendees into appointments? If so, then please read on.
Advisors need a great elevator pitch – a calling card lasting only the length of time it takes to ride an elevator to the top of an average building, about 30 seconds.
Matt is a $1.5 million producer. He has a new Porsche 911, Maserati and a 5,000 square foot house overlooking a valley. He has two beautiful kids, a gorgeous wife and no debt. He has it made. Except for the happiness part.
Here are five steps you can use to turn Linked-In connections into business.
Referrals are 35% more likely to do business with you and will give you 25% more of their assets than an un-referred prospect. Many experts recommend making yourself more “referable.” But first you need to measure how referable you are.