Investors who base their beliefs about the distribution of possible stock returns on historical data from their home country underestimate the probability of experiencing a significant crash.
Advisors have a lot of questions about annuities. With today’s expanding marketplace of commission-free options for fiduciary advisors, accurate annuity information is more important than ever. Join this session with leading academics to ask your questions about annuity products and strategies.
Attendees who complete all 5 sessions will receive a very special, soft “Annui-tee” to congratulate them for completion.
According to leading economists and academics, annuities can generate retirement income more efficiently than bonds for today’s retirees. In addition, they can ease the impact of a market downturn on a portfolio and create the opportunity for heavier allocations to equities for discretionary spending or legacy designations. Join this session – the first in a 5-part series – to understand how and why advisors are using commission-free annuities to strengthen their clients’ retirement plans and grow their firms.
This session is the first of a new five-part annuity education series, featuring leading academics Wade Pfau, Ph.D., CFA, RICP® Professor and RICP®️, Michael Finke, Ph.D., Frank M. Engle Distinguished Chair in Economic Security, David Blanchett, PhD, CFA, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, and DPL Founder and CEO, David Lau.
There is no easy answer for income investors whose expectations and behaviors need to be adjusted accordingly.