An investment program with dedicated but limited internal resources can extend its staff through a strategic partnership with an external investment solutions provider.
We believe that an OCIO provider should have the capability to handle any type of investment assignment. However, most OCIO providers do not have the ability to do this.
For some organizations, a partial outsourcing of their investment program is preferable to total outsourcing. Despite this, some OCIO providers will still try very hard to sell companies on a full OCIO solution.
The complexity of some risk management platforms can lead to a steep learning curve for institutional investors, draining resources and creating stress.
While the retirement of several high-profile CIOs has generated ample news, and headlines, there’s been very little press coverage about OCIO as a potential solution. We find this perplexing.
Corporations are delegating more of their asset management responsibilities than ever. How does increased delegation affect fiduciary oversight?