David Swensen's Ascent

This material is excerpted from The Ivy Portfolio: How to Invest Like the Top Endowments and Avoid Bear Markets, Copyright © 2009 by Mebane T. Faber and Eric W. Richardson. All rights reserved. By permission of John Wiley & Sons.

David Swensen graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1975 with a degree in economics. He then attended Yale and received his Ph.D. under the legendary Nobel Laureate James Tobin (his doctoral dissertation focused on the eponymous “Tobin’s Q”). Upon graduation, he worked at Salomon Brothers for a three-year stint, where he structured the first financial swap transaction in history between IBM and the World Bank.

After a brief time at Lehman Brothers, Tobin offered Swensen the position of managing the Yale Investment Office (YIO), to which Swensen famously replied, “I don’t know anything about Portfolio management.” Tobin countered, “That doesn’t matter.  We always thought you were a smart guy and Yale needs you” (Capital Ideas Evolving).

Swensen agreed to an 80% cut in pay, and while he now makes a little over $1 million a year, he could be earning many times that amount managing a hedge fund or a fund of funds in the private sector.

Swensen is clearly motivated by factors more meaningful than a large Wall Street paycheck. “I had a great time on Wall Street, but it didn’t satisfy my soul,” he says. “And I’ve always loved educational institutions. My father was a university professor, my grandfather was a university professor. So there must be something in the genes.” (NPR, All Things Considered).

How did David Swensen go about constructing this portfolio that was so far removed from commonly accepted allocations of the day?

The Yale portfolio is constructed based on academic theory— namely a framework known as mean-variance analysis. The technique was originally developed by Harry Markowitz in concert with Swensen’s mentor Tobin, and eventually earned Markowitz a Nobel Prize in 1990. It really boils down to “don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” or in other words, diversification works. You can put together a bunch of risky assets (stocks, real estate, commodities) and as long as they don’t all move together in a correlated fashion, the combined portfolio is less risky than the individual parts. Roger Gibson has some great examples of multi asset-class investing in his academic papers and his book, Asset Allocation.

Mean-variance analysis uses the expected returns of various asset classes, the expected risk (volatility, or how much an asset bounces around), and the expected correlation to find the portfolios with the highest return for a given level of risk (or lowest risk for a given level of return). A correlation of +1.0 means that two assets have a perfect positive relationship (they move together), and 1.0 means that they have a perfect negative relationship (they move opposite one another).

Figure 2.2 is a basic chart showing numerous asset classes and the curved  line known  as  the  efficient frontier.1  Portfolios situated on the curved line have the highest return for a given level of risk (and vice versa).