Five Strategies to Land a $50 Million Client

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Dan Richards

As a result of my talks and articles, I often get approached by advisors for advice.

This was a recent email from an advisor in Montreal working for an independent firm.

“My partner and I have been talking with a big prospect ($50 million plus). We have met a few times and have got to the point where we are close to possibly working together.”

However, at our last meeting this prospect said the following:

“Look, your returns are matching my returns, and your level of service and the independence of your firm from the big banks is very similar to what I am currently getting from the four brokers and investment managers I currently deal with.

“If I change to you, my accountant is just going to say this is yet another format and statement he has to interpret each month, with no clear advantage or differentiator, so why should I change?”

The advisor went on to write:

“So all else being equal, in terms of service standards and returns, what is the golden answer to the question of what is the competitive advantage that I can offer to this very big prospect?”

Establishing your point of difference

Before reading further, consider how you would answer that question.

And here was my answer to this email:

There are a number of possible responses to this question.

The fact that a prospect of this size is even asking this is a positive sign – it may be that he’s testing you to see how confident you are in your ability to deliver value above and beyond what he’s getting now.

Remember, things are never exactly equal on performance and service levels – the differences may not be huge, but there are always differences.

And remember also that when investors have this kind of wealth, there are often things beyond returns that concern and motivate them – your task is to find out what these are.

The challenge is to:

  • Understand what’s really important to this client
  • Figure out how you can deliver against the thing or things that drive him in a way that’s different from his current advisors
  • Help your prospective client understand those differences.
  • And finally make those differences significant enough to make the prospect willing to move.