The Human Factor in Technology Implementation

Beverly Flaxington

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

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Dear Bev,

We recently invested in a new CRM system for our office. The process to create an RFP, identify the right vendors to participate and select the one that fit our firm was long and arduous. We know we need to be using the system for every touchpoint with a client. The problem is that many of our advisors are old-school. They keep paper folders with client information and have a lot of their follow-ups on a spreadsheet. The system we chose is user friendly and we’ve had two training sessions before implementation with the vendor.

How do we teach our old dogs new tricks? How do we get people to embrace this system and understand the value to our advisory firm? I think people want easy access to information, so I don’t get the resistance.

Paul W.