My Boss is Downright Nasty

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

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Dear Bev,

What do you do when you work for someone who is very unlike you? My boss, the senior advisor, is a no-nonsense, almost nasty guy. If he doesn’t like what you are saying, he will tell you without worrying how you will take it. He even does this with clients. The clients seem to like it so he has no incentive to change.

I’m not like this at all. As a female advisor, I don’t feel comfortable being so direct and swearing around clients. And it isn’t my style; I’m more of a listener and a collaborator who tries to get someone to see my point of view by influencing them.

He criticizes me constantly and calls me “soft” and “weak,” but I’m not. I can stand strong, but I don’t believe that to be strong you have to be nasty and crass. I practice yoga and have learned that the strongest tree doesn’t stand straight; it bends with the wind. But it doesn’t mean it isn’t strong enough to withstand a hurricane.

I tell my boss this and he dismisses it. He says you can’t get anywhere without pushing for what you want. I respect that he has been successful doing this, but it isn’t my style. Is there a way I can tell him this and get him to listen to me?
