Redefining Your Career

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

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Dear Bev,

I run a successful advisory business in the Southeast. It’s only me and an associate, and we manage about $50 million in assets and I live a good life. I don’t want to give up my practice. But I have this gnawing desire to do more with my life.

I’m an excellent public speaker and find I can captivate an audience when I talk about the intersection of financial planning, health and wellness. People who have a clear plan, know where they want to go and don’t worry day-to-day about their money are happier, less stressed and generally more content than people who have not done the work to put a plan in place.

I can inspire people to action and get them excited about the possibilities to release their stress in making good financial decisions. Does it make sense for me to jettison the advisory business and go into speaking full-time, or start speaking part-time and see if I can make a business out of it? Or should I just keep doing what I am doing and having some fun (unpaid) on the side talking about a passion of mine?
