Can I Outsource My HR Function?

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

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Dear Bev,

I want to implement a performance management process in our firm. We are up to 32 people and finding there is no way to manage feedback, put people on notice when necessary or create improvement plans. I’m not ready to hire a full-time HR person and I have leaders in roles to oversee others in the firm. So it isn’t like everyone is reporting to me. I came from a large organization where the process to do performance reviews – twice a year – was dreaded by everyone. It took hours and hours of our time and I’m not sure we ever got the results we really needed. If it came time to let someone go, I had to spend hours with our attorneys, even though I had the feedback in writing.

I’m looking for a process that works and is easy to implement and use. What have you seen other firms like ours doing to accomplish this?


Dear M.S.,

Have you considered outsourcing the HR function so that you have access to the expertise you need without making a full-time hire? I just worked with a much smaller client (smaller than your firm) and helped them to off-load some of the HR function to an outsourced firm. They found this to be an excellent answer in place of hiring someone or burdening one of the existing team members with this important function.