Whose Job is it to Mediate Difficult Relationships?

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

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Dear Bev,

I founded my firm 23 years ago now. I didn’t want to run a large firm, but the clients kept coming, I kept doing good work and here I am with 19 people working for me. I’m not much of a conflict guy. To me life is mostly always good so I don’t see the benefit in getting stressed and upset about everything, and I don’t understand when other people do so.

My problem is two of my star team members. They both have senior roles. One is a negative person; she constantly complains about everything and if there isn’t anything to complain about, she will find it. I am not exaggerating when I say if it is raining she moans about the lack of sun, and if it is sunny we get lectured on the dangers of skin cancer. It is actually that ridiculous.

The other one is a head-down, get to work kind of person. He gets so irritated with her negativity that he has started to bad mouth her to others in the firm and make snarky, nasty comments at every turn. It’s turning him into a negative person too.

Other people have come to ask me to intervene and mediate a discussion between the two to get them working together again. Both have been here upwards of seven years (they actually joined four months apart) and they always got along reasonably well. Miss Negativity has always been negative and for the most part we all ignore it. She is a strong contributor and the clients love her – she manages to make her observations of how awful everything is something endearing. The other person recently went through a very nasty divorce. He got soaked financially and his tolerance level has suffered as a result. He isn’t tough on everyone, but it is almost like he projects all of his frustration with his ex onto this colleague.

Is it my role to fix this? I have no counseling background at all. I believe if I were to wade in and get involved it could actually make the situation worse. My wife tells me that I am not very good mediating between our children. So why would I think I could do better in my own company?
