What to Expect from a Marketing Firm

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

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Dear Bev,

What should we expect from our marketing firm? We have a firm on retainer to update our website, create materials when we need them and help us write blogs and articles. But we are not getting any new leads. Isn’t the purpose of marketing to increase awareness and bring in prospects? It’s not cheap and I would like to see some new fee revenue associated with what they are doing to offset the cost.


Dear A.E.,

Your question has so many different aspects to it. I want to cover them all but it is probably too much for one column!

When you ask what you should expect, the answer is that it varies on what you hired the firm to do in the first place. There are so many flavors of marketing firms – those that focus on branding and promoting your message, those that build websites and create materials, those that help with target marketing and finding your niche and messaging to the, those that specialize in social media and increasing your online brand and presence, those that offer direct marketing to help solicit new leads, and, of course, those that might do all or a combination of these things.

You want to be sure you’ve been clear what you have hired this firm to do. If you are hoping for lead generation, and they are writing blogs and articles, there could be a disconnect unless the blogs and articles are a means to access a certain audience for you. The actions they are taking could be a means to an end, or they could be a disconnect between what you need and what they are doing. It’s hard for me to know without understanding more about the relationship. Just know that “marketing” encompasses many different things so it is incumbent upon you, as the hiring firm, to set your objectives and confirm if they are meeting them or not.