Do I Need a Dress Code? What About Dogs in the Office?

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

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Dear Bev,

I am stuck. Our advisory firm is very professional with clients. But on days we do not have clients visiting we have a casual dress policy. Our guidelines are clear and most people adhere by wearing decent clothing.

Our new operations assistant does not seem to have read the memo. She comes in wearing the shortest shorts and midriff tops during the summer months and now that fall is upon us she is bringing out the jeans with more holes than material and the very tight sweaters. It is so unlike anyone else in the office. My worst fear was realized last week when a large client came in unexpectedly to drop off some documents in person and she was standing at the front desk talking to our receptionist. The client actually said to me, “You need to pay these people more so they can buy full sets of clothing.”

I’m a male leader and most of the other senior people in my office are men. We aren’t comfortable having a conversation with her about her clothing. The one woman who often takes care of HR-related things said she won’t touch this because this employee is new and she doesn’t want to cause a rift.

Should I write her an anonymous note? Or send her the part of our written guidelines that addresses dress code? Or just ignore it and hope over time she will notice that we all dress very differently (she has been here five months).


Dear T.F.,

The one thing lacking in so many of the advisory firms I work with is the human resources (HR) function, including written ground rules for employees so they know what’s acceptable. You don’t say how large your firm is, but even a firm with as few as seven or eight people can benefit from having outsourced HR for situations like this.