Finding Time When You Don’t Think You Have Any

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

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Dear Readers,

When this column runs, I will be in Italy traveling and enjoying time with my youngest daughter, who is studying there. Because I won’t be home to take questions, I’m writing a column to address a very common topic that comes up with my advisor clients. Often when I do training or consulting to implement new ideas for growth and deepening relationships, advisors tell me they don’t have time to focus on what they need (and often want) to do.

Here are my best tips for finding time when you don’t think you have any:

1. Review your behavioral style to understand your areas of weakness when you get pressed for time and have too much to do. People who are quick to get tasks done often move too quickly and don’t focus on the details or the specifics. They end up re-doing work they could have done right the first time. Advisors who enjoy the talking and interacting part of client- or team-related work can lose track of time because they are just enjoying the engagement, leaving them less time to follow up and get things done. Advisors who prefer a strong process and like to accommodate when others need help can find themselves working longer hours to make sure everything is done to their satisfaction. Those who are rules- and detail-oriented might take too much time making sure everything is right. Of the four styles, all have a weakness when it comes to time management. Figure out yours and focus on shifting it.