Is There Such a Thing As Too Much Value?

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Hey Mister Professional, you’re too good at your job – if you could just tone it down a little, that’d be great.

Said no one ever

No one calls their bank manager insisting on earning less interest on a savings account. And who in their right mind would be upset after the lawn care guy did an immaculate job?

Just as you wouldn’t be upset that you had too much fun, no client has called me to complain that I’m too good at what I do.

When it comes to value, you can’t deliver too much. Here are five ways to deliver even more value to your clients this week – without beating them over the head.

What is value?

In my practice, we’ve defined value to be anything that provides personalized, actionable advice.

I don’t want my clients to filter their mail wondering whether an envelope from Shilanski and Associates will apply to them. Nor do I want them to leave a meeting unsure of what to do next. We never interact with clients just to check the “I did something” box.

If a client can’t act on it, and it's not specific to them, that advice isn’t valuable – it's just noise.