How to Be Productive on Vacation

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Here’s how to spend quality time with your family and support your team while out of the office.

If you are an advisor who uses surge, you’ve probably been driving in your highest gear for several weeks this spring. Now that surge is over, it's time to hit the brakes, gear down and change directions.

But how do you channel your enthusiasm into productive activities without becoming destructive?

You can focus your energy in several directions that would be a good use of your time. But focusing on family time post-surge helps me stay grounded and recharge. My family also needs that time with me, as they’ve been surging too.

On paper, spending time with family is the easiest way to unwind, but that can be a struggle. Your family needs quality time together – chilling on the couch in sweatpants binge-watching Netflix doesn’t count. And your team needs to stay productive and not panic while you’re gone.

Here are six tips to help you make the most of your time away, both personally and professionally.