How to Land Dream Clients Without Begging for a Sale

Micah Shilanski

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Here are the four things every prospect process must have to successfully land your next ideal client.

A dream prospect just walked through your door – a prospect with more zeros behind their asset value than your top five clients combined. What’s your first move?

You will lose if your initial inclination is to work twice as hard and twice as fast to prove your value.

No one will be impressed. Think about how you feel on the consumer end of a business relationship. It's like when the door-to-door pest control salesman hits your neighborhood and is super pushy about making a sale.

Are you more interested in their product – or does the hard sale turn you off? You close the door and move on with your day.

Prospects feel the same way when you’re overbearing in your process. They can also tell when you don’t have a process at all.

Here’s how to land your dream clients without begging for a sale.