Stop Giving Away Pre-Sale Value

Ari GalperAdvisor Perspectives welcomes guest contributions. The views presented here do not necessarily represent those of Advisor Perspectives.

The internet and its proliferation of free information has conditioned many advisors to believe they must deliver significant value in their sales process to acquire a new paying client.

This has triggered a race to over-deliver value, hoping to impress prospects with knowledge and expertise to get chosen.

The result is a dramatic increase in the proliferation of “free consulting” pre-sale, more than ever before.

Providing value pre-sale (free information about solutions and how you provide them) continues to increase the level of indecisiveness on the part of your prospect. Why? Because they say: “Thank you, this meeting has been very helpful, let me think about it and I’ll get back to you.” Them “thinking about it” is exactly what you triggered by educating them in your initial meetings.

It keeps them in “option-gathering” mode to justify making a decision in the future, instead of shifting into problem-solving mode, giving them clarity to make a decision with you now.