Kitces versus T3 Surveys: What My Comparison Reveals

Bob VeresPlease take a moment to support the financial planning profession by taking my and Joel Bruckenstein’s software survey.

Michael Kitces just published the results of his new software survey. Many of the results confirmed what Joel Bruckenstein and I have been reporting for years. But there were some key differences.

Bruckenstein and I launched this year’s annual T3/Inside Information Software Survey for advisors and advisory firms, and of course we’re inviting everybody in the planning community, from all tribes (NAPFA, FPA, AICPA/PFP, Investments & Wealth Institute, XY Planning Network, etc.) to lend their views. The questionnaire lists more than 300 different programs and solutions in 40 different categories, where participants can offer a single click that tells us not just what they use but their 1-10 rating of their user experience.

You can access the survey, and tell us what you think of your own tech stack, here. We collect roughly 5,000 responses each year, but this year we’re hoping for more. Including yours.

For a number of years, we were the only survey that collected this data – that is, how many people were using which solutions in different categories and what they thought of what they were using. This group wisdom is the most basic and important information a potential software buyer would want to know.

This year, Michael Kitces, of The Kitces Report, asked similar questions, albeit with a slightly different take on the categories, and the completed writeup was just released. (You can find it here)

Naturally, I was curious to see what his survey turned up, and a few things surprised me.