How to Feel Less Slimy About Sales and Win More Prospects

Micah ShilanskiAdvisor Perspectives welcomes guest contributions. The views presented here do not necessarily represent those of Advisor Perspectives.

Advisors often view sales incorrectly. Here is how to sell to clients without seeming sleazy.

For some people, “sales” is a dirty, four-letter word.

But there’s nothing to freak out about. In fact, “sales” isn’t a bad word at all. It means having effective communication with somebody.

You’re not selling used cars or going door to door selling pest control. We’re not discussing timeshares and locking people in a room until they agree to sign the contract.

You’re not extorting anyone.

Sales are all about discovering your client's desires and goals and how you, as the advisor, can help them reach those goals. But it goes deeper than that.

Sales are how we motivate clients to do the hard things to reach their goals that they couldn’t do on their own.

Our profession isn’t the only one that sells in this way – there are others, too:

Coaches sell people on performing at a higher level. They explain to their clients or athletes why improving is beneficial. The client grows, and the working relationship benefits the coach too.

Comedians sell you jokes. When you go watch a stand-up comedian, you’re getting sold. You get an entire lead into the punch line. Now, you could stay home and think funny thoughts, but where’s the fun in that?

All persuasive communication is selling. I’m selling you through this article right now.