Are You Over Thinking the Sale?

ari galperAdvisor Perspectives welcomes guest contributions. The views presented here do not necessarily represent those of Advisor Perspectives.

When meeting with a new prospect, after asking the fact-finding questions you’ve been trained to ask and providing a path forward, you might still hear: “I’d like to think about it and get back to you,” or “Thank you, we’re looking at a couple of advisors and will be in touch”.

Very perplexing, especially when you did what you’ve always done. You discussed their goals, gathered facts, attempted to move to a next step – you did what you were trained to do. Yet your prospect remains indecisive about you. It doesn’t make sense. What’s going on here?

“The curse of mastery”

As an advisor, your basic instinct is to analyze facts, data, and information, then to create advice from it. You’re in an information-driven business; without it, you can’t deliver value.

You are an expert. Often called the “curse of mastery,” it’s easy for you to operate 100 percent at the intellectual and complex level, far from where your prospects need you to be. You process what they tell you and analyze their situation, operating from your “head” level but missing the “heart” and emotional level where they need you to be. This mis-match comes from your professional obligation to display your value by explaining the complexities of their situation, so the prospect feels you’re knowledgeable about the solutions appropriate for them. You almost become a human calculator, gathering inputs in order to create outputs. Losing a sale comes not from failing to educate your prospect on the complexities of their situation. It comes from failing to simplify their problem.

That’s what most discovery-based sales approaches completely miss.

What’s needed is a total mindset shift away from the analytical, information-based modes of selling to an empathy-based, trust-building approach, where you provide simplicity instead of complexity.