Tell a Story for Organic Growth

beverly flaxingtonAdvisor Perspectives welcomes guest contributions. The views presented here do not necessarily represent those of Advisor Perspectives.

To buy a copy of Bev’s book, The Pocket Guide to Sales for Financial Advisors, click here.

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

Dear Bev,

I have a good, committed client base with a key niche market. I don’t want to share my niche here publicly because I think it is unusual. Suffice to say people who are in this niche recognize one another, and understand the needs they have when it comes to financial support. Despite this, I’m having a difficult time with referrals. The niche I work with is very private and talking about finances with them – never mind getting them to share how much money they might have – proves difficult. I do everything I am supposed to – I ask for the referral, I remind them how much I want to grow and I offer them materials and support if they do refer me. In other words, I tell them they don’t need to do the work of selling me – I can do this. It isn’t working as well as I’d like and I do need to grow. What strategies can I employ to help make this more effective?
