Your Sale Hinges on a Split-Second Decision

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Advisors are conditioned to believe that the more “runway” they have with a prospect, the more time they’ll have to show them enough value to make their hiring decision.

But is this true?

The average conversion rate of advisors suggests otherwise. The long and complex advisory sales process, in which educating your prospect is the centerpiece, convinces less than, on average, three out of 10 qualified prospects to become clients.

The truth is, if you’re investing your time and energy with multiple conversations, you’re only lowering the number of new paying clients you’ll be acquiring.

Why is that?

Because the decision to hire you happens in a split-second. The prospect makes it silently in their mind during their initial conversation with you.

It's internal, not external.

You see, most of your prospects are in shopping mode. They’re out to gather information, speak to a few advisors, then go away to contemplate a decision later. They’re also completely unaware that their process can be convoluted (which is why they’re still shopping).

When they try to process the information you’ve shared with them on their own later, they often can’t retain a sense of certainty and security about it. It’s too complex and there are too many other concerns on their mind.

Here’s the key: If you get to the truth of their situation and help them trust you in the first meeting, you’ll cut the “think about it” game right out of the equation.