The Home Stretch

Leave it to reckless politicians to bring markets and consumer confidence to a grinding halt. The intractability of their public rhetoric leaves very little wiggle room in crafting together both a moral imperative and a capital investment scenario to address the needs of real citizens in a responsible and forthright way. Efforts to bridge international boundaries between friends, neighbors, and enemies have come up empty because parties and individuals feel more compelled to try and go it alone rather than seek cooperation. As Rome burns, the fiddlers play.

Why such obstinacy? Because any effort to conciliate with someone else makes our leaders feel "weak" least, according to their words and deeds.

Energy shortages, weather disasters, healthcare pandemics, decaying infrastructure, pharmaceutical drug price increases, wage inequality, hunger and poverty, will not wait for political theatre to abate. Their impact upon life today is incalculable.

Capitalism without ethics and leadership is a vessel sailing without a rudder.

As we tiptoe into the fourth quarter one can almost feel an appreciable nervousness about leaving behind the tumult of the previous 3 months for what is perceived must lie ahead. Those who thought the market's expansion was long overdue for a correction were ironically "rewarded" for their pessimism during a volatile tug of war in the last quarter. Indeed, the lowering tide took down all ships....and 401-k' the process.

The notion that the time was right for a recalibration in financial assets emanates from a philosophical and scientific belief that a market that is built with no constraints upon upwards enthusiasm eventually falls of its own weight anyway. So why not now? But to usher this premise from simply being a hypothesis into a scientific rule requires steady and effective economic policy and consistent rhythm, neither of which applies to the present situation.

Measurable economic cycles require a kind of capitalism and mindset that can be depended upon to deliver consistent and noble ideas, which encourages a free exchange of goods and services. As noted above, artificial interference by speech-making or political fiat impedes economies more quickly than the other things about which we worry.