Two Roads Diverged...

It used to be that a traveler might have gone anywhere in the world and have been safe from accident or illness. Until a few weeks ago.

Unfortunately, a plague has overcome the globe, and its pernicious consequences are vast. Today, a majority of countries, towns, and municipalities are in lockdown because of the dire effects of the Corona virus. The toll, in lives and fortunes lost, is incalculable. Before it is over, new systems, strategies, and procedures for dealing with life's everyday issues will become necessary hereafter.

With the dramatic dissipation in valuations in the financial markets, personal and corporate goals and identities will be conflicted for months to come. We are all beset by issues which, until recently, had not even been contemplated. More than shooting guns or marching armies, this adversary has ground economic activity to a standstill and made insignificant most sciences studying it.

As we sit here today most of the world's economies are immobilized or already in a state of decline. The pangs of hunger and desperation are widening. During such periods, the climate is fertile for despotic pronouncements or ego-driven policies to try and deceive a vulnerable public.

Clearly, the production and supply chains are constrained. The momentum built up during the last decade is ruinously nullified. Whereas we might have been "burdened" by a glut of capacity before, the curve has been regressing during the last month alone. Demand today is not great enough to achieve more than the status quo.

The Federal Reserve and other global central banks are doing their best to inject the system with needed capital in an effort to keep afloat large and small businesses. Obviously, the small entrepreneur is most vulnerable to cyclical stalls in the economy. Any reduction in the cost of money might be helpful, although this writer has frequently expressed doubts about the appetite for borrowing money when in dire straits.

As a result, there is little financial inducement that can move markets or consumers simultaneously. We are facing a period of stagflation, recession, or worse, in the coming months.

When such periods do occur, they tend to coincide with people's worst fears. The markets recede as a result. This is certainly not a time to speculate about upside rebounds or bounces. Value investing, at this juncture is not equivalent to "finding a bottom in the markets". Throw into that mix the current political/election climate in the US and you get a rhetorical mix of doom-and-gloom scenarios along with high hopes and expectations for the future.

Our real dilemma, though, is how we all react to the situation. Government leaders are chock full of ideas to create anticipation and stimulus (while warding off the medical pandemic). Everyone seems to be gravitating to their own parochial interests while the chasms which divided us before the epidemic (crime, immigration, wealth gaps, politics) widen.