VIDEO: Nasdaq Dorsey Wright Weekly Analyst Discussion – Highlighting Emerging Trends

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Join the Nasdaq Dorsey Wright (NDW) analyst team to discuss market developments through a technical lens and highlight areas to monitor in the coming weeks. Topics this week include identifying recent breakouts for the S&P 500, assessing strength across asset classes, and highlighting emerging trends in the investible landscape.

Watch the video here. >>

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Dorsey, Wright & Associates, LLC, a Nasdaq Company, is a registered investment advisory firm. Registration does not imply any level of skill or training.

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Dorsey Wright’s relative strength strategy is not a guarantee. There may be times when all assets are unfavorable and depreciate in value. Relative Strength is a measure of price momentum based on historical price activity. Relative Strength is not predictive and there is no assurance that forecasts based on relative strength can be relied upon to be successful or outperform any index, asset, or strategy.

© Nasdaq Dorsey Wright

© Nasdaq Dorsey Wright

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