Some Stories You Can Tell The Fearful Investor

Last week, I was driving home from a business trip when I suddenly got a call from my parents. They were just checking in to see how things were. Before long, I started to get peppered with all kinds of questions about recent market events. What did I think about the Russia/Ukraine situation? Was inflation going to persist? Will rising interest rates threaten their bond portfolio?

The recent headlines had them a bit spooked, so they wanted someone who they trusted and was in the industry to help ease their concerns.

I was flattered at their trust in my knowledge, and it made me think about all the conversations I've been having with advisors over the last few weeks.

Inflation continues to roar its ugly head, interest rate hikes are on the horizon, and there is geopolitical military conflict in Europe. Clients are worried, and naturally advisors have been calling us asking what we think.

The power of perspective

In a moment I'd like to introduce you to my business partner and colleague, George Wakim. Together we run the South Texas sales region for Russell Investments. Over the last few weeks, George and I have hosted many calls with advisors and investors, answering their questions and providing insight into the latest market events.

Most of the time, we are not discussing the details of what is happening in the markets. Rather, we spend our time giving clients a better perspective on market trends over the longer term. We have found that when we zoom out and give clients a history lesson, we can help alleviate their short-term concerns, and keep them focused on their long-term priorities.

With that, let me hand this over to George and have him begin our discussion on helping clients through this volatile time.