Opportunities In Today’s Environment

As the super-growth cycle is ending in dramatic fashion, we are already seeing some of the most attractive valuation opportunities in years.

Increasing rates and a sell-off in equities have led to a materially improved opportunity set from our valuation-oriented perspective. Today, the most important question for investors should not be whether to take risk in this environment, it should be where to take it. We believe it’s time to tap investment solutions that exploit value around the globe. At this year’s Fall Conference, we shared some of our highest-conviction, valuation-led ideas.

Explore our content below and Contact Us or your GMO representative for more information. Intended for accredited investors.

Featured Session:


There’s been no shortage of topics to keep things interesting for investors today – a looming recession, inflation, rising rates, geopolitical risks, and Covid (which is still a disrupting force, three years in). Tom Hancock, Lead Portfolio Manager of GMO Quality and Head of the Focused Equity team, and Kim Mayer, Quality Portfolio Strategist, discussed how each of these key issues impacted Quality in 2022 and the markets in general. They also explained what separated successful Quality strategies from the rest in this year’s bear market and why Quality stocks offer protection during both market downturns and inflationary times.

As of 9/30/22 | Source: GMO
The S&P 500 Index is an independently maintained and widely published index comprised of U.S. large capitalization stocks. S&P does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any data or information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions from the use of such data or information. Reproduction of the data or information in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of S&P or its third party licensors.
Quality is the highest quality 1/3 of the market on GMO’s metric blending profitability, stability, and leverage. Value within Quality is the low valuation half of that.