Gold Was the Most Popular Asset of 2022

Any way you slice it, 2022 was a turbulent year, from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to historic inflation and jumbo rate hikes to multiple failures in the digital asset space. These have had wide-ranging implications for the world of finance that are sure to carry over into next year.

Through it all, gold managed to help investors limit their losses. The yellow metal was one of the very best assets of 2022, down just 1.5%, compared to a loss of more than 19% for the S&P 500 and around a 10% loss for U.S. government bonds.

Not uncoincidentally, the most popular stories of 2022 that were published on all had to do in some way with gold, gold mining stocks or other hard assets. Below are recaps of the five most popular stories in descending order by pageviews.

5. For The First Time In 20 Years, 1 Dollar = 1 Euro. What This Means For Gold (July 2022)

For frugal travelers, there was no better time to visit Europe than in September of this year. That’s when the euro/dollar exchange rate hit its most favorable level in 20 years, fueled by the Federal Reserve’s aggressive tightening cycle.

But a strong dollar, as you know, can also be kryptonite to gold. The yellow metal declined more than 20% from its 2022 peak in March to the trough in late September, when the exchange rate also found a bottom.

Since then, gold has climbed around 10%, making it one of the most resilient assets of the year. Meanwhile, gold miners, as measured by the NYSE Arca Gold Miners Index, have jumped more than 32% since the late-September bottom.