China’s Growth Is Slowing: What Does it Mean?

China’s growth has slowed, but the context is important—an intentional transition to a more balanced economy that relies less on investment and exports.

The economic slowdown is understandably causing concern among investors. However, while slower growth in China will impact the global economy and financial markets, we think the short-term pain is necessary to avoid bigger problems down the road. China’s economy is in the early stages of a long-term transition away from an export-driven, investment-led model toward a more balanced one with more domestic consumption.

During these large transitions, slowing growth is almost inevitable and—from a long-term perspective—desirable.

A Much Bigger Economy Today…and One in Transition

Part of the growth downshift is simple math. China’s economy has roughly tripled in size since the Global Financial Crisis (Display), making it much harder to sustain high growth rates. In fact, trying to boost growth could lead to excessive leverage and, in the case of China, overreliance on sectors with high economic multipliers, such as housing. That would only intensify existing imbalances in China’s system, so we believe that slower, but more sustainable growth is a healthier medium-term path.

China’s Economy Has Been on a Rapid Growth Trajectory

The other main driver of slower growth is the transition away from a heavier reliance on physical investment (Display) and exports toward a more balanced economic framework. Because so many resources have been devoted to these industries, they have excess capacity today. Trapped capital translates into lower prices as spare capacity is absorbed, and it results in slower growth as wasted, or wasting, resources are eliminated or redeployed.

China Is Transitioning Away from Heavy Reliance on Investment