In this video, Chuck Carnevale, Co-Founder of FAST Graphs, a.k.a. Mr. Valuation, discusses the potential for real estate investment trusts (REITs) in 2024. He analyzes the performance of various REITs, focusing on dividend yields, operating cash flow, and FFO growth.
Does the potential for dropping interest rates create an incredible opportunity for real estate investment trusts in 2024? Watch the video to learn more!
In this video, Chuck will cover Alexandria Real Estate Equities (ARE), Camden Property Trust (CPT), CT Real Estate Investment Trust (CRT.UT:CA), Information Services Corp (ISV:CA), Killam Apartment REIT (KMP.UT:CA), Mid America Apartment Communities Inc (MAA), Morguard North American Residential REIT (MRG.UT:CA), NNN REIT Inc (NNN), Plaza Realty REIT (PLZ.UT:CA), UDR Inc (UDR)
FAST Graphs Analyze Out Loud Video
Disclosure: No Positions.
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