How Tax-Healthy Are Your Clients’ Portfolios? The Form 1099-DIV Can Tell You

Executive summary:

  • Not all investment returns are the same. Some are taxed at a higher rate than others.
  • The Form 1099-DIV can help you analyze the Investment Tax Health of your clients. By looking at how much the investor received in different investment returns, you can calculate how much federal tax they will need to pay.
  • A tax-healthy Form 1099-DIV will reflect a tax-healthy portfolio. A tax-healthy portfolio can help your clients receive a better after-tax investment outcome.

Exciting news – just got the green light from my doctor after a thorough health check! No major concerns, just the typical age-related issues. But it got me thinking – we diligently monitor our physical health; shouldn't we do the same for our financial health, particularly when it comes to taxes? Just as an annual physical reveals potential health risks, a comprehensive examination of your financial well-being can uncover signs of "Investment Tax Disease." Let's explore why it matters and how financial advisors can guide their clients to maintain robust financial health.

The first place to check for “Investment Tax Disease” is in an investor’s Form 1099-DIV. This tax document, among others, can be a treasure trove of facts and figures that help analyze the investor’s tax health. How do you know if your client has Investment Tax Disease? It’s when their tax costs are higher than they could be – and should be. Let's take a deeper dive into the Form 1099-DIV and see what we should be looking for.