Gradually then Suddenly: US Debt and Deficits

Ongoing budget deficits linger amid the post-COVID economic recovery. While markets appear unconcerned now, the accumulation of debt may exhaust investor patience. Anxiety about the sustainability of the nation’s debt could escalate with the upcoming elections in November. In part one of our series, let’s look at fiscal policy and Treasury debt.

Debt near record highs and still growing

US government debt stands at $34 trillion and counting. Federal debt (excluding government holdings) now equals 97% of GDP, up from 79% pre-pandemic and nearly triple the 35% level in 2007. This is the highest ratio since World War II—a threshold the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects could be crossed in the next five years.

US government debt is rising, both in dollars and as a percent of GDP

US government debt is rising both in dollars and as a percent of GDP
Source: Congressional Budget Office, Bloomberg.