The Case for Active Management of Hedged Equity

Swan Global Investments is a pioneer in hedged equity investing. Founded in 1997, Swan’s motto has been “Always Invested, Always Hedged” for over a quarter century. There were very few money managers promoting hedged equity in the late 1990’s.

Therefore, it has been gratifying and validating to witness the explosion of interest in hedged equity over the last five years. According to Morningstar, as of June 30th, 2024 there is almost $100 billion invested across 438 Options Trading mutual funds and ETFs.

Growth of Options Trading Mutual Funds and ETFs

Source: Morningstar Direct, Swan Global Investments

What is interesting about the growth of hedged equity is that most of the assets are held in passively managed structures. Many hedged equity strategies are “set it and forget it”, establishing their hedge points once a quarter or once a year. They do not consider market movements or try to maximize the value of their hedge.

In contrast, Swan has always actively managed its hedged equity strategies. Our time-tested process seeks to “sell high and buy low” by re-balancing the hedge and equity portions of its portfolios at opportune times. Swan believes actively managing hedged equity confers the following advantages: