Happy holidays and Happy 2023 to all!
Here's the top 10 most popular AP Charts of 2022, the most popular first:
1. Margin Debt Down 0.9% in November
Margin debt is typically our most popular chart as a surge in leverage can be a warning sign of trouble to come.
2. Market Cap to GDP: Buffett Valuation Indicator
Buffett's famous valuation indicator is also one of our all-time most popular charts. This, along with three other we track, has been extremely overvalued for the last couple of years.
3. ECRI Weekly Leading Index Update
This popular indicator has made the top 5 this year as recession worries dominated headlines.
4. Is the Market Still Overvalued?
Here's a comparison of all four valuation indicators we track over time, including the Buffett indicator mentioned above.
5. S&P 500 Snapshot: Friday Ends Up 0.6%
The S&P 500 has seen its first extended bear market in years - is this the end?
6. P/E10: November 2022 Update
This is another valuation indicator of the four we track - very top of mind this year!
7. Components of the CPI: November
Along with market valuations, inflation has been a hot topic around water coolers. This piece tracks individual components of the CPI.
8. CB LEI: Currently In a Recession?
A top leading economic indicator, the Conference Board's LEI made the top 10 this year as recession worries escalated.
9. Crestmont Market Valuation Update: November 2022
Yet another of the four valuation indicators we track made the top 10 (the only one missing is the S&P 500's regression to trend). It's clear that market valuation has been on advisors' minds in 2022.
10. Michigan Consumer Sentiment Up 5% in December
The only sentiment indicator in our top 10 was the most popular of all sentiment indicators. How are folks feeling now that inflation ticked down?