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About the Episode:

“I kind of think we got back to what we do best, and that's to be in front of our clients, talk to them directly, sit at their kitchen tables, and we felt the best way to continue to grow is really with the two of us doing what we do best.” – Walter Scott

For more than 20 years, Walter Scott and his business partner Thomas Whelan have been helping businesses and families work towards their financial goals, while continuing to help their firm, Whelan Scott Asset Management, evolve. Don’t miss this episode of Cambridge Stronger as Walter shares why his family was a driving force behind his decision to join our industry and how flexibility plays a role in his decision-making. Walter also explains why he chose SEI, a company that partners with Cambridge to provide up-to-date research and anticipate changing investor needs, and how he’s using technology offerings to grow his business and open up more time to spend with his family.

Testimonial statements and personal experience stories may not be representative of the experience of others and is no guarantee of future performance or success. Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC