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“And, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” –
The Beatles
As we approach the holidays, many people have become jaded about “the spirit of the season” as they witness the pervasive crass commercialism. If you’ve experienced a touch of “bah humbug!” during this time of year, I’ve got a “prescription” of three practices that will bring back the joy to your world.
To be happy, refrain from "when" thinking: "When I get to premier advisor status, when I get out of debt, when I shoot par, etc., then I'll be happy."
"When" thinking is very common, so don't think you're unusual, weird or crazy if you indulge in it. Practice the three keys below and you'll be happy today and more likely to become a premier advisor, get out of debt and be in great shape.
And you'll enjoy the ride.
Generosity Being generous is not about money – it’s about giving. So what kind of “love” can you generate (same root as generous) each day that doesn’t involve any cash? Some examples: a compliment to a co-worker on a job well done, a gentle caress to your loved ones and perhaps most importantly, a compassionate listening ear to a friend.
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Show empathy for others’ pain. What does that cost you? NADA! But this deposit into another’s “emotional bank account” will pay you big dividends.
Gratitude As I write these words (forgive my lack of sophistication – I always start with pen and paper), the morning sun is shining down on me as I sip my cup of coffee. I take a moment to say, “Thank you!” Now does that sound corny or lame? This is a habit I've developed – regularly saying thanks in my life for all the good that comes my way. If you think about it, there are an infinite number of things that are going right in the world, if we just take a moment to acknowledge our blessings: every breath we take, the food we eat and the friends we have. How hard is it for you to say, “Thank you ... I appreciate that” once in a while? Not hard. So why not start today?
Forgiveness Who are you angry with? Get over it for your own sake, not theirs. Holding a grudge only hurts you, not the person with whom you’re upset. I was formerly a world-class grudge holder, expending a lot of emotional energy thinking bad thoughts about others I thought needed to live up to my expectations. Once I learned this was blocking me from moving forward, I quickly let go of this “grudge energy” so I could be free to put that energy to better use. Who do you need to forgive today? Don't wait – it costs too much. Prosperity is not an event – it’s an ongoing process. It has little to do with the size of your bank account. If you proactively engage in these three practices I’m recommending here on a daily basis and make them habits, you’ll not only get into the spirit of the season – you’ll become prosperous in all the seasons of your life.
Happy Holidays!
Success Skills Coach Jim Rohrbach, "The Personal Fitness Trainer for Your Business," coaches Financial Advisors around the US by phone to help them grow their clientele. To set up a Free Consultation with Jim, go to www.SuccessSkills.com.
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