Complacency is the Root of All Backsliding

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"It's so easy to slip." Lowell George, founding member of Little Feat

Have you ever accomplished something you thought was a big challenge, felt great, then found yourself somewhat down a few weeks later? Not uncommon – even astronaut Buzz Aldrin reportedly got depressed after walking on the Moon.

What can you do to stay at or near the top of your game? Here are my recommended strategies.

Have a daily morning ritual

Review your mission statement, state your affirmations and visualize your goals daily. This keeps you focused on your intended purpose, keeps your self-image high and reinforces mental pictures of exactly what you want to accomplish. Daily, by the way, means seven days a week – taking two days off will kill your mental momentum, and success is all about maintaining momentum.

Keep learning

The mind is like a muscle – it needs exercise. Reading, listening to motivational, inspirational and educational audio programs and attending seminars, webinars and teleseminars in your field will keep your thinking sharp. The more you learn, the more you'll earn. (Sorry – sit-coms, and reality and crime shows do not qualify ...)