Things Are Getting Better

Things Are Getting Better

Things Are Getting Better

Abundant Energy

I’ve Got to Admit It’s Getting Better

Healthcare Breakthroughs

We Are Going to Live Longer

I Feel the Need to Travel

In these letters, I look at the economy and tell you what I think, for better or worse. Recent missives were mostly negative. I regret being the bearer of bad news but sometimes that’s just reality.

I often say that I am the most optimistic man in the room, and it’s true. That’s because I look over the horizon and see where we are going. I can also look at “boring” statistics and find out how far we have come. The trends are our friends.

Today I want to focus just on good news and sometimes great news. The world is getting better, but it doesn’t make the headlines like the problems and catastrophes do. The byword in newspapers when I was growing up was “If it bleeds, it leads.” Today’s online headlines are even more so. Crisis and gloom sell. Good news, not so much.

Letting yourself wallow in negative thoughts won’t solve whatever problems you face and may even make them worse. Humanity got where it is not by complaining, but by finding solutions. So let’s take a break from the bad and look forward to better times.