Getting Europe to Shop

People often raise their spirits by going shopping, also known as retail therapy. Economists are hoping that Europeans seek out this remedy more often as this year unfolds.

unemployment rates

European consumers grew cautious about discretionary spending in 2022, unsettled by the Ukraine war, the loss of purchasing power from inflation and the bite of high interest rates. Sharp disinflation over the past year fueled expectations that consumption would rebound, but those hopes have yet to be realized.

Labor market resilience has been one of the defining features of European economies in the post-pandemic recovery. Wages are growing at a solid pace, exceeding the rate of inflation. Yet households have remained prudent.

Consumer spending across euro area nations grew just 0.6% last year in real terms (in contrast with 2.2% in the U.S.). Retail sales were flat in the first quarter, while new car registrations declined from the fourth quarter of 2023. Retail sales in the U.K. paint a similar picture of stagnation in March, despite the Easter holiday. Consumer confidence is off its lows, but remains depressed across Europe.