Understanding the Potential Effects of Tax Policy on Corporate Earnings

Key Takeaways

  • Corporate tax rate changes, like the 2017 TCJA, significantly boosted corporate earnings, especially for small-cap companies reliant on domestic revenue.
  • Sectors such as Communication Services and Information Technology have reduced their tax burdens since the TCJA, but small-cap sectors like Communication Services and Health Care could see double-digit earnings declines under a 28% tax rate.
  • A 25% corporate tax rate would lead to modest earnings declines, but a 28% rate would have a much larger negative impact, with small-cap companies particularly vulnerable due to their domestic focus.

Corporate tax rate policy is a routine hot-button issue during every presidential election cycle, and this year’s campaign is no different.

Shortly after the 2016 election, we attempted to model the impact of former President Trump’s flagship Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on corporate earnings. Unsurprisingly, we determined that reduced tax rates would provide a meaningful boost for corporate profits via reduced effective tax rates.

Our analysis also determined that small-cap companies inherently benefited more due to revenue source composition or, more simply, a “tax geography” effect. Moving down the size spectrum, smaller companies benefit more from reduced U.S. corporate tax rates due to greater reliability on domestic revenues than larger, multinational companies.