Advisors Asset Management

AAM Has Released Its 2022 Best Ideas and Investment Outlook

After a tumultuous data deluge over the last two years, 2022 may begin to see the economic silt settling a bit, even as the waves of reaction to uncertainties continue. Check out our 2022 Investment Outlook covering the Housing Market, Interest Rates, Fiscal Stimulus, Inflation, & Market Returns.
Post-pandemic Investment Opportunities In Europe

After many false starts, Europe is finally emerging from an incredibly difficult 18 months of battling Covid-19.
The Great Transitory Debate. Breaking Down The Latest Inflation Numbers.

Through the first half of 2021, fixed-income investors have been faced with their greatest fear: inflation.
Welcome To The “Rorschach Market”

The Rorschach inkblot test was created in 1921 to analyze how individuals who view the exact same picture perceive and interpret external reality.
Inflation Is A Boon For Value Equities

Generally, when inflations expectations are rising, we see value stocks favored more than growth stocks.
Municipal Bonds: Breaking Down The Strength In The Market In 2021

In 2021, municipal (“muni”) bonds have been a tough asset class to manage due to overwhelming demand and limited supply in the market.
Life’s Certainties: Death, Taxes…and Municipal Bonds?

In a November 1789 letter addressed to his good friend, Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, Founding Father Benjamin Franklin shared that America was off to a great start and the recently established U.S. Constitution showed much promise but immediately added, “In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.”
The Four Layers Of Inflation

As we entered 2021, we put the pivot point of the economy and market returns squarely on inflation.
A Jumpy Market Waiting for The Fed to Move

Tracy Nolte talks AAM’s Outlook for Inflation, Fixed Income Market’s Outlook for Inflation, and Managing the Current Rate Environment.
Liquidity: Historic Gains Lead To Marginal Drains

We look at the myriad of liquidity measures and what the draining from gains does to asset prices and fiscal and monetary responses.
1Q 2021 Review and Market Outlook

AAM CEO Scott Colyer and Chief Investment Strategist Matt Lloyd recap Q1 2021 and share their market outlook for the coming months. See their insights and expectations
To view all of AAM’s Market Commentary videos, please visit our video gallery page. Here, you can subscribe to our video channel, to receive AAM’s newest videos straight to your inbox. Video topics include market updates & insights, media appearances, & firm updates.
Advisors Asset Management: 40 Years Strong

AAM has been providing carefully sourced, vetted, and supported solutions for over 40 years. We offer access to a diverse range of investment solutions to meet today’s challenges. See why we are a trusted resource for financial professionals.
To view all of AAM’s Market Commentary videos, please visit our video gallery page. Here, you can subscribe to our video channel, to receive AAM’s newest videos straight to your inbox. Video topics include market updates & insights, media appearances, & firm updates.
What Keeps AAM 40 Years Strong

AAM CEO & CIO Scott Colyer, reflects on 40 years in the financial industry and how Advisors Asset Management has evolved as a leader in empowering financial advisors to succeed. “We started as an advisor-centric firm back in 1979, and are still an advisor-centric firm 40 years later.”
2020 Outlook: AAM’s Investment Themes

CEO Scott Colyer and CIS Matt Lloyd discuss their 10 investment themes for 2020. Watch to learn more about expectations and top opportunities, and the warning signs we look for.
The U.S. Household: Connecting the Dots
The state of the U.S. household is in one the best shapes it has been in throughout history; though depending on how you look at it, it may corroborate your skepticism or optimism. At a recent discussion, a key debt figure was triggering doubt about this optimism.
The 2018 Economic Playlist: Carry the Tune
Since the dawn of time music has played a pivotal role in the defining of the times and the progression made. We would like to utilize the artistic genius of these maestros to bring some context to the current pivotal point in the economy and capital markets.